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2020-02-03 10.48.26 1.jpg

2020, Oil on Canvas (5' x 5')

A feeling of wanting to belong and trying so hard to do so, but never quite fitting. To be insecure and lack a sense of identity.

Wearing your self punishment like a badge to prove to others you know you are not perfect.


2021, Oil on Canvas Series

Identity and self are topics a lot of us find ourselves needing to explore at some point in our lives, and over the past few years I have started my own search for understanding. In this project I decided to focus on personality, which quickly led me to the realization that our experiences and passions are what actually set us apart from one another. This inspired a reflective portrait series of my parents that is meant to capture the different moments in their lives that they felt a shift in their sense of identity. By delving into the journey of two individuals who live parallel to each other and have a large impact on me, I can bear witness to different but intertwined perspectives while developing a deeper understanding of two people I love. As viewers look through the portraits I want them to think about growth and how one person can become many different versions of themselves in a single life. Our experiences build on each other and create a beautiful and dynamic journey, and while some things stay constant, there is beauty and peace in understanding what is and isn’t out of our control.

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